Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hope Kiwanis Club Hears Program On "Yerger Male Initiative"

The Hope Kiwanis Club heard about the "Yerger Male Initiative" at their meeting on Tuesday September 2nd. Yerger Asssistant Principal Michelle Bittle explained this program will be held Friday September 26th at Hempstead Hall for 7th and 8th grade male students. The young men will hear from four Hope High graduates who now work in varous parts of the country as well as two local Hope High graduates (including UACCH Chancellor Chris Thomason) to present positive message to the young men. There is a special "meet and greet" session Thursday September 25th at the Yerger cafeteria for the public. Anyone who would like to donates towards the program or would like more info can send donations payable to Yerger Middle School, 400 E. 9th, Hope, 71801. For info call Ms. Bittle at Yerger at 777-5134. PIctured is Margaret Moss and Ms. Bittle of Yerger along with Yerger parent Ellen Haywood.